Lugol's Solution and Kidney Function
by Bonnie
(Ontario, Canada)
Last July I started taking Lugol's 5% solution at 1 drop per day for one week and then increased to 2 drops per day and so on until I had reached 8 drops in September. I stayed at this dose for awhile.
Then a November blood test showed that my Creatinine which was already a bit low (but still in the normal range) of 53 had now dropped down to 43. I did not think that Iodine would stress the kidneys.
Anyone know if this is true?
I did a bit of checking around and found that low levels of Creatinine is a good thing. However, a drop from 53 to 43 seems like a significant drop.
I have no knowledge of any connection of iodine with stress on the kidneys.
If I do hear of anything, I'll let you know.