Lugol's Solution and Kidney Function

by Bonnie
(Ontario, Canada)


Last July I started taking Lugol's 5% solution at 1 drop per day for one week and then increased to 2 drops per day and so on until I had reached 8 drops in September. I stayed at this dose for awhile.

Then a November blood test showed that my Creatinine which was already a bit low (but still in the normal range) of 53 had now dropped down to 43. I did not think that Iodine would stress the kidneys.

Anyone know if this is true?


I did a bit of checking around and found that low levels of Creatinine is a good thing. However, a drop from 53 to 43 seems like a significant drop.

I have no knowledge of any connection of iodine with stress on the kidneys.

If I do hear of anything, I'll let you know.

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2% Lugol's Iodine
by: MissLinda

Somewhere I read that internal iodine would help get rid of bacteria inside. My kidney filters at rate of 48. I have been taking 10 drops of 2% Lugol's every other day. I have not had another urine clearance test (24 hours) as of yet. Does anyone think that this remedy could be detrimental?

Kidney needs support during Iodine supplementation.
by: Anonymous

I don't know the reasons for the drop in numbers but don't forget, iodine can place stress on the kidneys indirectly due to its detox capabilities, particularly its displacement of heavy metals in the body.

If you were not supporting the kidney during your Iodine supplementation then it would be placed under more stress. This is why many recommend you supplement with additional selenium, vitamin C, vitamin B2/3, Celtic Sea salt and Magnesium.

Some also think it's a good idea to use Milk thistle or other kidney support herbs as well.


Thank you so much for this valuable information.

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