Lugols Iodine Dosage
by Loran
I was interested in ordering your Lugol's Solution, but I'm a little confused about the dosage.
Another web page that I read suggested an intake of 10 drops of 5% Lugol's Solution taken 3 times per day for a viral infection. Is that too much?
Ten drops three times a day seems high to me.
As the Lugols Iodine page on this site sets out, you can take the iodine for your daily needs.
Dr. Brownstein suggests 2 drops of 5% iodine in an 8 oz. glass of water or juice in the morning, and then gradually increased to 50 mg. a day.
I have gradually built up my iodine intake to the 50 mg. a day using Iodoral, which has cured my goiter. I can not tolerate the taste of Lugols!
On the other hand, if you are ill, Dr. Brownstein suggests 8 drops of 5% iodine.
I hope this answered your question.