Iodine Products, dosage, and related issues

by Julia Boyer
(Whitehall, Pennsylvania)


I tried the iodine patch test and according to that, I am severely difficient. I have had many of these symptoms over the past few decades.

In the last 5-8 years, my weight has gone out of control, I have most of the symptoms you mention, but there are few of the other symptoms have diminished (coldness), but I am attributing this to the start of menopause.

I have a family history of thyroid and pitutary issues (father), and according to my observations, I exhibit hypothyroidism, but my doctor won't run any additional tests other than the generic tests (T4 and TSH) and does not refer me to a endocrinologist.

He keeps telling me (among other absurdities -in my opinion)to stop consuming sugar, soda, etc, but I don't consume or abuse those items. I have always been sensitive to chemicals. There are so many other items to mention and are related to the things in this sight, but I was trying to keep it short and to the point.

The last point I wanted to mention was that you mention the environment playing a large factor in this deficiency because I do eat a healthy diet. So, my questions are:

1: Should I just start with iodine painting & what are the directions for that?

2: If I am not absorbing iodine that I am consuming, what makes a supplement any more effective?

3. Other than moving, how does a person combat the environmental toxins?

Sorry this is so long - I was just so excited to see a possible explanation to my ongoing plight.

Julia - Pennsylvania


Using the Iodine Patch for iodine supplementation may not supply you with an adequate amount of iodine.

One of the problems with iodine deficiency is the inability to absorb nutrients. You may want to try Lugols which you can drink for maximum and immediate absorption.

Environental toxins can be a challenge:

WATER I have purified drinking water and filters on my showers to remove fluoride.

AIR I have purified air with high quality air filters on my air conditioning system.

HOME CLEANING AGENTS I use only "green" products. I wash my clothes only in borax and baking soda.

FOOD I read all the labels of product to avoid soy and bromated bread products.

I wish I could tell you there is a "quick fix" to your health situation. My road to recovery, supplementing with Iodoral tablets, has taken 8 months before I felt any better and the goiter quit throbbing.

I hope this helped. Let me know how you do.

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Iodoral Side Effects
by: Anonymous

Major under eye puffiness after only 2 days of 12.5mg Iodoral. After 5 days of 12.5, cut to 6.25mg for another 5 days. Stopped all Iodoral after the 10 days. That was 4 months ago and still have the under eye puffiness. Prior to Iodoral, original (Flechas 24 hour) Iodine deficiency test indicated 45% retention. Tried Brownstein sea salt flush-3x/day,for 3 days. Did not help. Any ideas?


I'm sorry I have no idea what would be causing this after such a long time. Try joining the Iodine Chat Group at Yahoo and researching their data base. This is quite an active group. Someone may have have this problem. The address is:

Good luck.

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