by Shirley
First, thank you for this great website.
I've really enjoyed drawing from all the things you've learned about iodine, and it has been helpful in guiding me.
One thing that surprised me though was the paragraph on overdosing with supplements. I thought I had read (several years ago) that Dr. Brownstein said there's no worry about overdosing, as any excess will just pass through in urine.
Can you help me with a reference from his studies on this subject please?
You are right that Dr. Brownstein did say that any excess iodine will pass through the system.
However, he goes on to say that if the iodine is too high, it will cause a metallic taste in the mouth, increase salivation, cause headaches, sneezing and body ache.
He explained, iodine, just like any substance can cause adverse effects especially if someone is very sensitive.
His advice is to start with a low iodine dosage and slowly increase the amount.
I hope this answered your question.
Thanks for the compliment. I've worked very hard on this site trying to help other people.
Good luck to you.
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