Iodine Allergy

by Christine

I did a Biology Course about 5 years ago. Can't remember what the experiment was I was doing but I used Iodine and instantly I got a massive headache. The back of my eyes were burning (felt like they were on fire). I had itchy skin,trouble breathing and dry retching.

Two years later I was doing a Forensic Science Course and I used Iodine to extract fingerprints. Same thing happened. So, I went to the doctor and he said I have a mild allergy to Iodine.

On both occasions it took about a week to get over it. I'm wondering if anyone else has these symptoms?


I have heard of people having headaches and stomach pains. You come in with the highest reactions so far.

Dr. David Brownstein recommends a treatment called NAET, an acupressure technique used to overcome an iodine allergy. Their web site is Nambudripod's Allergy Elimination Technique Or, you can call 714-523-3068.

Let me know how this works out for you.

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How to Supplement if Allergic to Iodine
by: Beth

I have a severe allergy to iodine (internal organs swell and breathing is cut off). I've read that iodine is essential and wards off cancers and other problems (memory, etc.).

Because I can't take iodine, or use anything with iodine in it, how can my body work properly? Is there an alternative to iodine that I could take which would offer the benefits I've read we receive from iodine?

Thanks for any guidance you're able to provide.



Dr. David Brownstein, a specialist in iodine therapy, recommends a treatment called NAET, an acupressure technique used to overcome severe iodine allergy.

The web site for NAET is Nambudripod's Allergy Elimination Technique Or, you can call 714-523-3068.

Let me know if this works for you. Good luck!

Iodine Allergy - Is it just me?
by: Christine

I get tingling in my fingers and toes and my hairdresser has commented that the outer parts of my eyebrows are much thinner and have almost disappeared. In my job the use of Betadine can be often. My doctor said for me to avoid using it but if I have to, I have to wear goggles, gloves and a mask. I know when it's been used (Betadine) without even asking because I get my symptoms.


I'm so sorry to hear about your problems.

Consider doing a full body detoxification. Take a look at Mercury Detox which lists natural options for a body cleanse.

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