Hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease)

by Dean

My girl friend was diagnosed with Graves Disease approximately two months ago.

I'm uncertain based on conflicting information if Lugol's Iodine should be used for the treatment of her Graves Disease, or would it also require a more comprehensive evaluation based on her blood lab results and symptoms?

And, if so what specifically ?


The best advice I can give to you is to become fully informed and this book will do that for you and your girlfriend.

You will find recommended tests and laboratories and websites. The author of this book found that the treatment of the symptoms was the only true way to resolve her compromised health, and not relying on tests.

Dr. David Brownstein, expert in iodine therapy, and author of "Iodine - Why You Can't Live Without It", uses a comprehensive holistic program. This includes Iodoral (pill) or Lugols, vitamins, minerals, a detoxification plan, improved diet and higher consumption of water for the treatment of Grave's disease.

Good luck.

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