Fibromyalgia and Thyroid

by Ian
(Melbourne, Australia)

Hi all, I have suffered from a facial fibromyalgia and atypical trigeminal neuralgia for many years.

I've just been tested for positive for very low Potassium and very low iron in a hair analysis report. I am working hard to restore these.

In the report, there is mention that low potassium could contribute to hypothyroidism.

Has anyone here had their trigeminal neuralgia and/or fibromyalgia cleared up due to taking Iodine? Thanks, Ian


I have not had this question come up before. However, I've done some research for you.

Dr. David Brownstein, noted specialist in iodine deficiency, finds that over 50% of his patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia, including trigger points in the facial area (which you have) also tested positive for hypothyrodism or low iodine in the system. This is also known as thyroid deficiency.

His treatment is the addition of iodine to the diet either a liquid supplement such as Lugols Iodine or Iodoral, pill form with the addition of a detoxification protocol.

More information on these products can be found on this site's main page in the "Store".

He finds that heavy metal poisoning, such as mercury, can be corrected to assist with the fibromyalgia symptoms.

Take a look at Heavy Metal Detox

Please keep me informed of how you are doing.

Good luck.

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Low Iodine - Proof Positive
by: Ian Cameron

Hi all, I just tested very low for iodine and yet my blood tests show normal thyroid function and no hypothyroidism.

But I suffer from cold sensitivity, cold hands and feet, itchy dry skin, poor sleep, fibro, depression and anxiety...hmmm.

I see my naturopath in a few days. Is it common, Jill, for people with low iodine and symptoms such as mine to test OK on doctors blood tests?

I knew something was not right, now I have proof!



Unfortunately, your test results from the doctor is the MOST COMMON response everyone receives even though they display all the physical symptoms of iodine deficiency.

We are forced to become our own advocates. Your general practitioner relies on faulty tests which do not accurately reflect the true condition of the thyroid.

It's a shame, but that's the way it is.

Let me know how it goes with your naturopath.

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