Detox with Iodine Therapy

by John
(Los Angeles, CA. USA)


I was wondering what is the recommended dose for someone who's deficient and also wants to detox from halogens and heavy metals in the body?

Also how long should i stay on it? I have 2% iodine Lugols. Any recommendations would be great!

Oh yeah, I'm concerned about the whole Fukashima situation. I'm near the beach so there is that, too.

Thanks in advance.


John, I suggest you take a look at the following pages on this site which should answer your questions:

Iodine Supplements

Mercury Detox

Also, check out the Store on this site where there is quite a variety of detoxification products available.

All the best to you.

I hope this answers your questions.

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Detox with Iodine
by: Jacqueline

Hi Jill. I really wish I would have found your website first before I bought some white iodine a few days ago on Amazon. When I run out I will purchase it here. Your website is VERY helpful and I just wanted to pass that message along to you. God bless ya!


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