Detox Skin Rash???

by Alita
(Minneapolis MN)

Thank you so much for your wonderful information.

I just recently began iodine supplementation about a week ago with Lugo's 2% one drop daily in apple cider vinegar and honey water. Two days ago I acquired a patch of welts on the rear thigh right below the buttock. It will itch a bit if I touch it.

Is this iodine related or could this be detox?


My first inclination is to think that maybe some kind of bug got ahold of you. If not, this seems to be a strange detox symptom.

I suggest you stop the iodine for a few days and see if the welts start to clear up. If the welts stay, then you know it was a very hungry bug. If they clear up, then you know you were detoxing too fast.

Perhaps, every other day with the Lugols, honey and apple cidar vinegar to give your body more time to detox would solve this dilemma.

Let me know how this works for you.

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Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Anonymous

A side effect of apple cider vinegar can be a rash.


Thank you for pointing that out.

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